Thursday, October 30, 2014

pumpkin carving

With nary a night to spare, we finally carved our pumpkins this evening.  With so many independent carvers around here, my efforts were largely relegated to helping with clearing out the goopey stuff.  And separating out the pumpkin seeds for toasting for tomorrow night.  No complaints here, just smiling - kind of like those pumpkins :0)

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

workshop unveiled

It was down to the wire, but the Park Day School Innovation Workshop was completed just in time for the East Bay Mini Maker Faire.  It was a long haul, with so many people helping out, making and building together.  A community-built workshop without a doubt.  It was amazing to see how everyone collaborated and contributed.  I was a proud mama.  And it was incredible to see the space being so well-used at the Maker Faire.

Monday, October 27, 2014


Since getting my MDS diagnosis two months ago, I have been forming a mini-bucket list of sorts.  It focuses me on positive things for the future, which helps lift my spirits and make me happy.  Near the top of the list was going go-karting with my son Henry - something we have talked about, but which had not happened to date.  Until this past weekend.  And we drove and we raced, and..... he beat me.  And I enjoyed nearly every moment.  He enjoyed it even more.  The need for speed is in us all, I suppose, and it definitely runs in my blood lines.  Happiness!